Friday, August 7, 2009


Its been a many things happened..cnt blame myself qng bkt hndi aq nkpgblog for one whole month..everytime that I’m in the front of a computer with a mouse in my right hand and keyboard in front, wla tlga qng maisulat.pkirmdm q I cnt even write a simple sentence. It’s been a tough month for me.
- I’ve became part of the P1 agents whose taking in calls for premium (best) customers..
- My mom was diagnosed of having a Urinary Tract Infection
- My sister is now studying..
- Financial problems na hindi na natapos tapos..
I cnt even sleep well. I dnt knw. I’m thinking if this is really me, my life now is full of..(cnt even think of the right words..) I dnt wanna blame my job, not even my parents or my friends..wlng dpat sisihin kundi ung sarili q..happiness is a choice..i dnt knw. Pkirmdm q wla ng dahilan pra tumawa..i’m soooo sad right now.pkirmdm q sasabog ung puso q..not because I’m happy..but because it hurts so much..its something like I’m in a dark way to get out. Doors are closed and there’s no windows. There’s no escape!!

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