Wednesday, June 24, 2009

..i cn do it!

cnt stand the stress that i'm feeling right now when it comes to work..hndi q alm qng kya q pa..andame expectations..cnt take it.dameng compliments but i'm not sure if i really deserves it.i received a call when i was in my mood of taking in calls, it was around 6am..the call was from an IT expert (...). he was testing the system and checking on my personal my id #..lht..he quoted.."u r 1 of the valuable-high prized customer service representative.." wow..wat a shot..another responsibility..i do not know if i can do it..but i really trust myself..inspiration? family and all those people that i loved..

my mom always tell me that i should love my work pra wlng stress..just do what i need to do..and after pray for the strength..there might be people who will pull me down, its part of the game..i should manage the game properly and win..pahalagahan ang tiwala ng ibang tao..gawing inspirasyon un..put GOD as the center of the spinning wheel..let Him do the work and everything will just be fine..learn to face the world with a focus mind, strong heart and healthy body..GOD will be the light..I CAN DO IT!

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