Friday, August 21, 2009


I thought you were my friend. I cried but you’re not there. I almost ended up my life but you just stared at me like I was a thing that really didn’t exist. I knocked but you did not open your door, you even try to lock your windows. I begged for food but you gave me nothing. I said I’m thirsty but you let me drink my sweat. You didn’t bother to ask if I’m ok. What happened? Is it because I have nothing to give that’s why you left me? Now you called me SELFISH..for what reason? Huh??

In this world, you don’t need to have a beautiful dress to have a happy life; you don’t even have to look good because good person never bother to love good faces with empty hearts. Don’t play with the boys because they know the game than you. Respect yourself. Try to look back. Check the past and you’ll see that you missed a thing that’s very important: LEARN TO GIVE. And most importantly, remember that when you lose a friend, its very hard to gain one.

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